Digesting Plastics
Filip Horyna
24/02/2022 - 02/06/2022
.pdfThis girl tells me on the train, “Thousands of fish species become extinct every year.” I look out the window replying, “And every year a thousand new types of phones or cars are manufactured.” When I’m not on the phone, I see human spacesuits all around me. Like massifs of limestone, which originated from clam shells. Wind, rain and sun must probably threaten us because it’s just not good enough for us to be here. So, plenty of crutches, tubes, monitors, wheels, heaters and diapers are needed. That the change is happening is probably the only thing that can be said about it with certainty. While they’re diminishing somewhere, they become more abundant elsewhere. I deal with it by painting this change. I digest it in my art works by capturing its essence.