Old Children
Ondřej Roubík
29/10/2013 - 22/11/2013
I concentrate on classical painting both in terms of technique (oil, canvas, exceptionally acrylic) and themes (figural motives, portrait). However, I aim to push the “classical” expression a little further – in a painting, I look for harmony between the everyday (the depiction of reality) and the idea of the everyday which, in reality, are two elements that are not so easily reconciled. In short, I learn to turn possibility into banality and to portray it as such in painting. I try to maintain a certain simplicity and modesty, not superficially and with pathos, but rather by keeping a healthy distance from the author’s standpoint. I am interested in simple stories of individual characters that I depict (sometimes they are fictional). I thus place them in objective situations that should reflect the delirium of the moment when one is deeply moved by something he is incapable of bearing emotionally or rationally.
Ondřej Roubík